For women, bags are just like clothes and shoes. You can never have enough of them. After all, a quality handbag and matching or complementing pair of shoes are essential for making a unique style statement. And with the long summer months well and truly upon us, all the brands are coming up with incredible ladies' purses and footwear designs.
So Kamal has also put together an eye-catching collection which you’ll surely love. Be it clutches, bucket bags, quilted bags or any handbags for women, our brand has got it all. And when it comes to flat shoes for women , you can find an amazing collection. Not only are these shoes comfortable, but they look awesome. Whatever you need, we’ve got you covered.
Following are some special handbags and women footwear options in our latest collection. And they’re selling like hotcakes. So, don’t forget to check them out at the earliest.
Flat Shoes for Women
Heels have always received a lot of attention for style and glamor, but nothing can beat the comfort that flats offer. And who says you cannot look elegant in flats? Now they are available in all kinds of styles for formal, semi-formal and casual occasions.

So when your dress is simple, you can opt for silver and gold or studded flats So Kamal has for you. And if your outfit is already too fancy, then go for simple flat shoes. Also, you can pick neutral colors or contrasting one, the choice is up to you. A black, white and beige pair of shoes is always safe because it can go with anything in your closet. Check out our classic flats, square toed flats, denim ruffled flats, ones with metal and pearl enhancements and double strapped sandals among others.
Formal Flats
When you are dressing formally, try to choose a shoe with a more pointed front as it looks dressier. If you are carrying a clutch, a chappal won’t look classy paired with it. Needless to say, you will need formal shoes to go along. Maybe you can go for the dazzling criss cross flats in silver or gold that will brighten up the look and add the touch of glam you are looking for. Other than that, So Kamal has some embellished flats that look formal and stylish. From studded flats to ones loaded with shiny pearls we have them all for you.
Sandals are the ideal footwear for the summer months because they are breathable, lighter and more comfortable. If you have a long day planned out or your college or office day requires a lot of walking, heels would not only make you super uncomfortable, but you will be more tired by the end of the day. This is the reason comfort should be the top priority and So Kamal sandal shoes for women offer just that. From basic double strapped sandals to single ones, there are many options.

These sandals with straps provide a good grip and are elegant as well. So you can look good and walk in style anywhere. The sandals are available in neutral tones and can be worn with any colored outfit.
Ladies Chappal
In our part of the world, ladies chappals have become quite popular in recent times. This is because designers and brands have started focusing on this category because of the overwhelming demand. Today, girls not only wear them with ethnic outfits, but also with jeans and pants. And they look refreshingly amazing.

Nowadays, you can find chappals of all kinds with studs, crystals, pearls and embellishments that have a luxurious appeal. And in the simple ladies chappals you can get braided ones and slip on types that are designed for comfort.
If you’re on the lookout for some party handbags, don’t go any further. Clutches for women are the proverbial party bags and we’ve got an unmatched collection. No one likes having a suitcase for a handbag when they’re dressed for a night out in the town. Their capacity helps you through various events and scenarios. The space within clutches is usually enough to carry all your essential stuff, while the compact outward look means that your ensemble won’t appear overwhelmed or cluttered.

Clutches always sell hot and that is the reason most designer brands pull out all the stops to create the most attractive clutches imaginable. Be it dinners, wedding receptions, corporate meetups, Eid gatherings, or any similar occasion, you need the right clutch to make a proper fashion statement. And So Kamal has got the most incredible set of ladies clutch bags for you. Don’t forget to browse our catalogue at the first opportunity!
Shoulder Bags
Shoulder bags are classics and these things aren’t likely to go out of style ever, you can always carry a nice shoulder bag with poise and grace. Of all the branded bags online, there are some great shoulder bag varieties being offered by our brand that come with double straps. You’ll be spoilt for choice, while looking through the various colors, designs, shapes, and sizes on show. The bags with shoulder chains or straps have a unique “hands-free carry” appeal which makes them incredibly popular among women of all ages. You just have to sling these over your shoulders and you’re good to go. So Kamal offers plenty of great options with regard to this particular ladies’ purse. Check them out today and acquire the ones you like before they’re all gone.

When carrying shoulder bags, you can adorn any pair of shoes you are comfortable in. Select from our collection of chappals for women or the most stylish flat sandals for women.
Quilted Bags

Like shoulder bags, these quilted ones have stood the test of time. The best part is that you can pair them with a seemingly average dress and still look good. So, the next time you don’t have an eye-catching outfit ready for any event, don’t lose any sleep over it. Pick some normal clothes; just make sure to have one of our nice and trendy quilted bags to go with them.
Bucket Bags
As far as women’s handbags and purses are concerned, bucket bags have carved a unique place for themselves over the years. They’re incredibly versatile, chic and roomy. It is a stylish handbag option that surely won’t fall off the fashion scene anytime soon. Furthermore, our bucket bag designs make a great pair with a casual dress and ladies chappal.

In our latest collection of bucket bags, we’re offering buttery leathers, textured ones and much more. The expert designers on our team have let their creativity flow. You will definitely find something worth having from our brand.
Like we said at the outset, for every woman it’s important to have enough high-quality handbags and shoes. So, it would definitely be a wise decision to invest in a few, if you haven’t done so already. You’ll be glad you did so in the long run. To that end, our brand offers you the most creative and unique designs. They’re also selling out like crazy. So, don’t put off browsing our collection anymore. Go through it today!